Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Give Thanks

In most of our homes, Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season and the happy gathering of family and friends. With the busy planning of the celebration, we many times focus on the product and not on the process of getting ready for the occasion. The children are many times left out of the preparation, which can leave them bored and frustrated. A lot of enjoyment can be found in having your chldren help prepare the decorations or part of the Thanksgiving dinner. A traditional fruit salad is always a hit and is simple for all ages to help prepare. A recipe will follow later in the blog.

Remember, you are building memories. Althougn this season is a fun time and many memories are formed, families often become overwhelmed with activities and children can especially feel the stress of shopping and the anticipation of events to come.

The focus of Thanksgiving is simple - THANKFULNESS. "Thank you" is a simple phrase. Children can be taught thankfulness by example, praying and being reminded of our many gifts from God that we sometimes take for granted. You can reiterate this by speaking often to your child of things you are thankful for. Words like, "I'm so thankful God gave you to me!" go a long way in building a child's self esteem as well as emphasizing the goodness of our Creator.

Have fun this month and remember to relax and keep it simple - it's all about THANK YOU!!!!!

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