Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mini Pumpkin Basketball

Hey, Suzie here.
Have I told you I have twins? That is my excuse for everything. Just ask my husband. It's the reason why the house isn't clean, why my kids have no pants on, and why I am lucky if I get lip gloss on everyday!
Anyways, teaching your children does not have to be hard, or time consuming. It just has to be meaningful! Just spend 10 minutes with them on this activity--- and everyone will be happy! In fact, as I am blogging this, he is still sitting there playing learning!

What you need:
Mini Pumpkins
A container, mine happens to be a plastic Jack-o-lantern
Just grab the pumpkins you have decorating your house for Fall!
Just checking it's still in there!
Things to remember while playing:
Count out loud with your children. Count by 1's, Count by 2's... like actual basketball!
When done playing, pull them out and count backwards!
Then, sit and count the ridges on the mini pumpkins!
Have Fun!

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