Monday, November 29, 2010

Still Thankful...I'm Thankful Book

Being thankful doesn't end at Thanksgiving! Right? So here is the latest book to our collection. It is SUPER easy to make and it is by far Carter's favorite!

All you will need is:
1. Cheap-o photo album. (This one I use is defiantly Dollar Store quality: No cover, just the plastic drop-in-picture pages!)
2. Photos of family and friends. We all have TONS of photos in the computer...just print some!
3. Print these labels to put on each page. Don't have label paper? Just print and tape!

Action shot! Carter checking out his cousins! Hi Lex, Ella, Luke and Hudson!

Naked Carter, Clothed Mommy and Daddy! (When I get to the naked Carter picture he usually looks up at me and laughs! Ha ha!)

Teacher Tips:
  • Use highchair time wisely! This is a perfect opportunity to read books and sing songs! This is where the book originated, but now it has been added to his book basket and he has it out almost all day long!
  • When reading, follow the words with your finger, look at the pictures, talk about everyone and everything in them. Talk about how they look and what they are doing! Ask questions!

And I'll leave you with our final turkey pic. If you still haven't done it! Their hands will be even bigger next year! :(

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