Sunday, December 5, 2010

12 Days of Learning: Advent

On the first day of Christmas my mommy gave to me:
Yummy Advent Cookies!

Tonight is the second Sunday of Advent. Celebrating Advent with your children can be flexible to meet the needs of your family. You can add bible versus, carols, discussions, whatever works for your family. There is a mom in my multiple group that has a great tradition for Advent. The first Sunday of Advent she gives her children a new Christmas ornament in celebration of the season. Each ornament is specific to what that child likes! I am thinking I will steal this idea!

Advent is Latin for, "the coming", waiting in anticipation leading up to Jesus' birthday!

Tonight we lit our Advent candles on our Advent candle holder Auntie Sarah sent us from Norway. (Sarah and John lived in Norway before they lived in China... did you know they are world travelers dwellers?)

Here is a little break down for you:
First Sunday of advent : Hope
light one purple candle to symbolize Hope
Read Isaiah 60:2-3
Extinguish the flame

Second Sunday : Peace
Light two purple candles - Hope and Peace
Read Mark 1:4
Extinguish the flames

Third Sunday : Joy
Light two purple candles (Hope and Peace)
and one rose to symbolize Joy
Read Isaiah 35:10
Extinguish the flames

Fourth Sunday: Love
light all four candles - Hope, Peace, Joy and Love
Read Isaiah 9:6-7
Extinguish the flames

Christmas Eve
After Sunset...
Light all four candles and add the fifth white candle
(the light of Christ)
Read Luke 1:68-79 and Luke 2:1-20
Keep the candles lit a bit longer, or safely
throughout the evening.

And for dessert we made our own Advent candle! Of course everything with my kids revolves around food. They just love to put everything in their mouth still.

Supplies Needed:
Icing in a squeeze tube,(red or yellow)
Rolled Wafer Cookies
Fudge Stripped Cookies
Not pictured Fudge Stripped Cookies
First Step:
Set out the cookies. Mine are red because that is all they are selling right now at HEB.
Watch out for the little hands.
Next: Cut the rolled wafer cookies into thirds. And 'anchor' them into the hole with icing.

I did red icing to match the cookies.
And Last: Pipe more icing around the base of the candle and add a flame!
And Enjoy (Note to self: Next time I will do this before bath. Ugh, first time mommy mistakes.)

Happy Advent!

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