Sunday, December 12, 2010

12 Days of Learning: Snow People

On the eight day of Christmas my Daddy read to me:
Snowballs by Louis Ehlert
We started the morning by reading Snowballs. I highly recommend checking it out at your local library at some point during this winter. It has great big pictures and short print. You even have to turn the book sideways to see the entire snow family.
We then ended our day by making our own snow family out of canned biscuit dough. My kids still put everything in their mouth, but if your kids are past that, consider using shaving cream on a wax paper and trace circles with their little fingers to make a snow family.

Supplies Needed:
Canned Biscuits
Pretzel sticks
anything else they may like

Playing with the dough
Talking about the textures and tastes.
Eating a little too.
With a little help from Daddy too!
This was a great way to kill some time before dinner!
Ready for the oven!
It is funny to think they are learning by doing this, but really, anything that uses ALL the five senses is sure to be a hit.
Smell it... check
Taste it... check
Hear it... I hope not, but check
Touch it... CHECK
See it... check
Not to mention the quality reading time with Daddy, and the baking fun with mommy.

When we finished making our snow family, we baked them according to directions and enjoyed!
These snow people didn't melt!

(I was having lighting issues with the sun setting in our kitchen, so excuse the dark pictures.)

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