Thursday, January 27, 2011

Balloons, Balloons Everywhere!

We've been stuck inside quite a bit lately because....

this is what has been piling up down below (or outside). But we have to eat, so this was on our way to the grocery store!

We have been super busy working out our Gross Motor (those big muscle) skills inside though! I love it when Carter goes down for naps exhausted and slightly messier than when he woke up. If both exhausted and messy, I feel like we've played hard enough.

Carter had so much fun playing with the balloons for his birthday that I decided to keep the fun going!

So I blew up even more!

And filled a few with a bit (about a cup) of random stuff from the kitchen:



A letter "J" magnet from our fridge. Like I said, random stuff from the kitchen.

These changed the way the balloons moved and of course sounded for a bit more sensory learning!

Next, I filled his tent with the balloons!

He loved it so much he had to give one a kiss. Poor thing.

Out of the tent, back in the tent, out of the tent, back in the tent. You know the routine.

He loves this...can't you tell? Ha ha. I ruined the fun by trying to get his attention for a picture.

When you play with balloons use language like:
  • Throw it to Mommy!
  • Please.
  • Thank you!
  • Mommy rolls it to Carter!
  • You're welcome!
  • Shake it!
  • Bounce it!
  • Don't forget about colors and prepositions too!

One popped! I told Carter that it now needs to go into the trash. He seemed to be really concentrating and listening. So I repeated "trash, trash." (I was about to show him where the trash was.) But, he was on the moved and took it right to the "tractor." Very close Buddy!!

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