Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kids in the Kitchen: Frittatas and Cookies

Suz and I were talking recently about having our kids help out in the kitchen! It is not only fun family time but it is also a great way to sneak in so much learning!! For Carter it is lots of observing, right now. He watches front row...usually on my hip. Luke and Hudson are a bit more involved, click here to check out Suzie's post from the kitchen!

Here are two yummy concoctions I made yesterday and little ways (almost 1 year old, tear) Carter helped out:

1. Mini Frittatas:

This is where I got the recipe. (I can't get the picture smaller, sorry.)

The idea behind this book is that it gives you some recipes that you can do for the whole family, including baby! It is separated by age group and tells you how to change the recipe for baby, if needed. But most are good for everyone, just as they are!

Carter helped out by:
  • Putting all of the chopped potatoes in bowl. We all know how much he likes to put things in a container by now! (See previous posts.)
  • Carefully watching, cheering and clapping as Mommy seperated the egg whites. It is disgusting...yet, he loved it! Can we say boy?
  • Tasting the shredded cheese. Every kitchen needs a taster, right?
  • We also waved our hands way above the cooking food to learn "hot!"
Here is how mine turned out:
They are Carter approved! This boy will not eat scrambled eggs. Low and behold, he scarfed these things down! Success!

2. Chickpea Chocolate Chip Cookies

You read that right! CHICKPEA chocolate chip. I can't get enough of them.

This is from Jessica Seinfeld's Double Delicious:

I got this from Suzie for Christmas! Thank you!

I've already made four recipes from this book! This book has great recipes that have been lightened up and made more nutritious by hiding vegetables in them! Crazy! I love it!

Carter helped with this by:
  • Taste-testing the chickpeas and applesauce. Mmmm!
  • Assisting me with hand-mixing the chickpeas. (Mommy really did this...but Carter's hand was under mine...shhhh.) This noise used to scare him, not any more!
  • Helped dump the ingredients.
  • He also observed my stirring telling what he was thinking! Ha ha!
Carter can't eat these yet...but John and I can! Not EXACTLY like regular chocolate chip but I could eat them everyday if that tells you something! They are different, but grrrreat!

Here they are:

I even eat them like this:

See those finger marks? Am I the only one who does this?

I can't wait for Carter to be more involved in the kitchen as he grows up! We had so much fun yesterday!

P.S. If you would like for me to send you the recipes, leave a little message and I will send it your way!


  1. Okay, I think I NEED both! The cookie dough looks like real cookie dough too! Yum!

  2. I want the recipes! I've made chocolate chip cookies with avocado...good but different. Can't wait to try the chickpeas..

  3. Sarah - I'd love those recipes!! Beckett LOVES chickpeas in any way, shape or form, but we've never had them in cookies!!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Okay, they are coming your way!

    Tara, chocolate and avocado?! Wow, I'd love to try that!!

    Meredith, that is so great that he likes chickpeas! He should love these then! They are a bit chickpea-ish! (I like them too:)

  5. Okay, I just made mine, and they look nothing like yours. boo. They are really puffy like cake cookies. Were your like that?

  6. Yes, I guess you can't tell from the picture that they are kind of muffin-ish. I think it is the egg whites. They are different. Did you like them?
