Sunday, January 9, 2011

Never too young for books!

Thank you so much for bearing with us through the 12 days of Christmas. I never thought it would have been that hard to blog 12 days in a row. But throw in the holidays, family, travel, and a little bit of sickness... and there you have it!

I have an obsession with Children's books. No lie. In college I started collecting books for my classroom, and never stopped. I have about 7 under the bed boxes filled with books, organized by theme just waiting for the boys to get a little older to enjoy them all.

I bought a vinyl rain gutters ($4.00) MONTHS ago... thinking I could install them myself. (But, clearly I need help from my husband!) So, I am patiently waiting for him to put them up in the playroom for my book display. This idea is not mine. I learned about it when I was teaching kindergarten in Fort Bend ISD. Here is a picture of what I am talking about:
Design Dazzle
 The idea behind the gutter that is great is that you can see all the fronts of the books. When you pile your books in baskets it is not as inviting to dig through. But trust me, I have tons of baskets with books that I plan on keeping.
We love books!
I just want to 'showcase' some books in the playroom in hopes that the twins will grab them too!

Step by step directions can be found here: Raising Olives

Teacher tips when reading books:
Get family members involved and reading books too!
  • It is NEVER too early (or too late) to read to your kids. We started reading to the kids when they were still in my belly. And it never stopped. We read all types of books to them. Newspapers, children's books, magazines, you name it! I think it is important that they see you read as well, they will imitate you.
  • Make fun places for your child/children to read. Chairs, tents, throw down couch pillows, change it up!
Two chairs pushed together just seems like more fun!
  • Encourage you children (at every age) to turn the pages! Before you know it, they will turn the book the correct way and read on their own!
  • Talk about the parts of the book! (Cover, title, spine, author, illustrator)
  • Ask questions and point to pictures and words. Then ask your child to make the animal sounds, or find a certain character in the book.
Reading is fun! Enjoy this short clip of my 15 month old. (However, anytime they see me with the camera, they stop whatever they are doing!)

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