Friday, February 11, 2011

More Bookshelf Ideas

Suz's post about her Gutter Bookshelves got me so excited! I thought, "I can do that!! I HAVE to do that." Then I recalled I live in China and we don't have houses with gutters and I wouldn't have a clue how to find a place that sells home improvement goods.

I was about to give up, then decided to browse "bookshelves" on Have you heard of it? It's new to me. Basically a search engine of pictures that you can "pin" onto a virtual bulletin board. A great way to collect many ideas for decorating, baking, crafting (etc.) all together. Like the magazine collages from way-back-when!

Here are some that I liked:

Cool. Couldn't happen.

Amazing. Dream on.

Practical. Do-able. However, I really liked the idea of the cover being displayed and this hides them.

Getting closer. I see this coming down on top of Carter.

Pre-made plate rack? Now you're talking!!

IKEA spice racks for less than $3.00. SOLD! I bought 6 to be hung this weekend!


  1. I really want to do this in Tully's room now. I was on the hunt for a book shelf, but spice racks or plate racks sound like the perfect solution!!

  2. OH good!! Oh course...Pottery Barn has cute wooden shelves that hang on the wall. But seriously, it looks like a plate rack too! :) I can't wait to see what you are working on for Tully! Knowing you, it is going to be adorable!!
