Thursday, February 24, 2011

You Don't have an Easel? (Shamrock Painting, FAIL)

Did you know that when your little one paints (or draws, or writes, etc.) vertically vs. horizontally they are working different muscles? Yes, yes, I know you can't believe it. It is true. ;)

So switch it up! Hang that painting paper up! We don't have an easel, but that is okay. Carter is still little and needs it low to the ground. And sometimes it is more fun to paint in a place that you usually don't....or can't.

Try painting vertically:
  • In the kitchen, bathroom or walk in shower, where you most likely have easy-to-clean floors.
  • On a window, inside or outside, and let the sunshine brighten up the painting.
  • On different surfaces with different textures. Like a tree or a fence!
I actually wanted to do a little Shamrock Painting. FAIL!!! Who am I kidding? We are still too young for anything like that. But here is a look at our attempt:

All prepared...ready for Wake-Up.

This is our shamrock-potato.

With Carter not in his high-chair, things got

I had no free hands for picture taking. Sorry.

Yes, there are a few shamrocks. All by me! Ha ha!

Needless to say, we got pretty messy. Then, he was after the camera. I had to get it out of sight!

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