Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Guest Blogger: Pudding Painting

I have another friend, Tara, who I think is Super Mom! She has 3, no, THREE boys. Ben is 3, almost 4. Parker is 2, and Evan is almost 5 months old.  She does a ton of fun stuff with her boys and they are so polite and well behaved.  We have been friends since 3rd grade. I just love friends like that, they are so special!

Short and Sweet:
Some days you just have to play inside, and here is a fun activity!

Supplies:  package of prepared pudding, 2 bowls, paintbrushes and spatulas

Rules:  Keep it in tub area as much as possible.
Don't make your brother cry!

I think the best part about doing activities like this, is making memories.  You may be cleaning the tub for a while after, but pictures like this are priceless.
Here is the original post!


  1. Wow! That looks like some fun! Ha ha! Hysterical!

    Thanks for sharing Tara!

  2. LOVE it!! Let them be messy, it's what childhood is ALL about! And you are so right about the memories. Thanks for linking up to It's Playtime! Hope to see you again this Thursday :-)
