Thursday, August 25, 2011

Look what I Bought!

Have you seen the craziness that is Target, Walmart or our local Drug Store lately?

If you are like me, you see the 'Back to School' section swarmed with bodies crawling all over each other and slowly back away. Yesterday, I (along with my cart and baby) inched my way into the mosh pit. We safely made it out 5 minutes later. was worth it!

Go! Get in there!

There are fabulous supplies that all child-homes can use for DIRT cheap.

We grabbed:

At $1.00 Canadian Dollar a piece!! Wowzer!!!

Okay, and this is the fancy stuff too! Walmart's off-brand was actually more!


Lunch totes!!!

**This will help keep the cut up fruit and milk from leaking all over my purse! Yesss!

Have you found any great deals lately? Share please!!


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