We're still here! Sorry for the absence.
My recent spare time has been spent researching and writing papers! So fun!!!
I have so much to share though!
If you are looking for a meaningful outing to add to your schedule, consider the library.
Remember that place?
There are so many great reasons to get your Library Card and use it:
1. Encourages Reading...of course.
2. Very inexpensive, cheap or FREE! (Ours is $12 a year.) Anyone else feel like they spend too much on outings everyday?
3. Many have monthly or weekly Story Time! Another free outing!!
4. Books, CD's, DVD's!
5. Encourages independence. Let your child fill up their book bag with books of their choice. It's like shopping...but free!!!
6. More independence: Ours' has a Self Checkout. Carter LOVES to check out his books using his card. (Just like Mama does at the grocery store!)
7. Are you tired of reading your current selection over and over again? This is a sure way to spruce it up!
8. Never too early to learn a little Library Protocol! Let your child return the books into the slot. "Bye bye books!"
9. Any current teaching themes going on in your house? (ex: Christmas, Jesus, Santa, Potty Training, Sharing, Giving) Most libraries have online search engines. Do a quick search before you head out, reserve them, and your whole selection of Potty books will be waiting for you!
10. It's is just so fun!! I never would have thought Carter would love this as much as he does. He points every time we pass the library! He really likes it!
(IPhone Photo=Not good Library Etiquette. Oops!)
Checking out!
Barcode up!
Bag packed...All done!

My kids love their library cards!
ReplyDelete- Lisa
a teachers bag of tricks
I totally agree on the library card. Unfortunately where I live we are outside of the city limits, so it would cost us a lot of money to join the library.
ReplyDeleteI am awarding your blog the Versatile Blog award.
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