'Tis the season! We hear it and see it EVERYWHERE! Take stock of what you really want your children to remember about Christmas. Is it the story of Baby Jesus? Is it Santa Claus? Is it singing Christmas Carols? Is it the lighted Christmas Tree? All of these memories are special.
Since I am the eldest of the posters on this blog, my concept of the Christmas season is a little different from Sarah's and Suzie's. Now, when I was their age and had children the age of my grandchildren, I thought just like they do now. Their enthusiasm, joy, and love of the season is uplifting and fun! This is how holiday memories are made.
I, however, see it from a different perspective now. Christmas should not be a stressful time of year. Exciting, yes, but not stressful. Take a few moments to enjoy the true meaning of Christmas with your family. Make memories your children will carry on to their children. Relax and enjoy. While getting ready for Christmas is so fun, the truth is, your children won't remember the perfectly wrapped gifts, the perfect Christmas tree or the big, fluffy bows on the staircase. They will remember the warm hugs, smiles and the joyful enthusiasm and anticipation of Christmas.
Grammy's Tips:
Here's a little tip for this busy season. At the end of the day, when your floors are covered with toys and your couch with laundry, set your timer for three minutes. Take a few laundry baskets and gather up all the toys in one and throw the laundry in the other. Put them in a closet or any place that is out of sight (so that you are not reminded of what needs to be done.) Turn the lights low (the dust doesn't show:) and light the tree and candles. Take some time to sit quietly with your family and read a story, look at the Christmas cards you have received, play a short game, talk about the many gifts God has given us that are not under the tree... These feelings are what children will remember, and believe it or not, when your children are grown up these are the precious memories that you will have of the holidays as well.
Relax and have fun! Enjoy this season and the many blessings it brings.